Sunday, March 13, 2011


This stone is so beautiful that I had to pick it up to come home with me. It looks like it has codes written on it that I might be able to decipher. I chose this image because it reminds me that we are each unique and therefore comparisons are not healthy nor helpful on our journey to our truth. Each of us carries codes that when unlocked, add to the whole picture of humanity. We are each so beautiful. can really take you out of the moment. I had some moments today of wondering what I am doing. It is if I suddenly see myself and can make no sense of this life. I have a dear friend who is working so hard, trying to make money. I am lying here, hours of time at my disposal and yet I cannot seem to move. We seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. Her working all the hours of the day, me with no fixed schedule, able to create my days yet my energies do not move towards much of anything. I can recall dreaming of having a few hours of free time open to me. When you work so much, the only relief seems to be sleep.

Both of our lives feel surreal to us. Like we are walking through our lives with some small part of ourselves. It feels as of the greater part of me is somewhere else, involved in a much more connected way. Truly it feels that we are between worlds. Trying to stay open to signs and what it is that we are learning or needing to release. Wondering how long this shall last before we shift into the new world in a grounded way.

I am speaking with so many who seem to be experiencing this strange sense of displacement. Folks are going about their lives but are sensing that the old energies are not holding anymore. My friend was laughing about her training week at her new job. Ten hour days and then being sent home with homework each night. Weekend comes and you are meant to be earning your gold star by taking your huge binder home to study. She found it funny as we talked about how we both would have complied (at least taken it home for appearance sake) years ago but how silly it all seems now. What is this, giving all our energy to make a living? The individual being an economic resource to be used by the company. People are rising up throughout the world, saying no more to this kind of exploitation. a collective we recognize the old energies are not working, and are searching for the new way to be. Yet the new is not anchored in as yet. There is this lag time where we are straddling both worlds. It is not comfortable and so we are learning to be comfortable in the uncertainty. A challenge, to say the least.

I have to remember that the only valid comparison is me to me. Today I had to remind myself that I am staying tuned in, that my path does not look like another's and to find the gratitude that I am given the space to play with these new energies. I have to trust that passion will come back in my life from this neutral zone. I am not unhappy. I feel relatively peaceful. I have moments of bliss and joy. Well being is moving more fully into my body as I sense it coming from the ethers. I know that it looks like the very opposite on the outside, earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, yet there is this wave of well being streaming in.

Our world is changing right before our eyes. We are witnessing the dawning of a new age, the Golden Age of Peace. We are here helping to create it. All pretty new to us as we are only getting on board with the realization that we create every aspect of our lives. Many still reject that idea and cling to blame or victimhood. I know that I lived in that landscape for a long time. I was tempted to say too long but it was just the right amount of time for me to wake up to a new way. So to move to the place that we believe that we can create a peaceful, harmonious. joyful world is a big stretch. I am reminding others and myself, to take baby steps and encourage one another along the way. This is BIG stuff that we are doing. We are earning our stripes in an entirely new way. We have focused so much attention on the external world and have little in place to acknowledge the internal journeys that we are now embarked on. The internal landscape is scarier in many ways as we were not given flashlights to shine into our own darkness. We have been entering blind and find ourselves tripping over all manner of things. Gradually the forerunners are passing out lights and providing tools for us to navigate this new land. Soon the lights will be turned on and the streets clearly marked.

In the meantime, congratulate yourself each day for what you faced. I was proud of myself for recognizing why a certain person's behavior was pushing my buttons. Once recognized and integrated I could then observe her behavior and know that it was not personal to me. Once that knowing takes place, my heart opens and I can connect to the pain behind the behavior. So my feelings switched from irritation to compassion. I could then be generous in my support of her as I realized the need behind the behavior. We all have our places of fear and restriction. It is wonderful to have friends on the path who you can ask, "What am I not seeing here?" People who you can trust to love you enough to shine the light on your shadow aspects when you are not able to.

Validate your friends as they take steps to be authentic in their lives. I realize that is one of my gifts and one of my greatest validate people. I had thought that I could start a business doing just that. Listen to folks tell me their stories and then validate them for their courage in walking through it all. We are all learning to be warriors of the heart.

I am proud of myself for allowing the energies to shift, staying with my feelings today when my mind wanted to go down an old road. I am trusting that this day of lying low will bring me to the next thing that is on my path. I know that the inspiration will come and tonight I am trusting in that divine timing. This head pressure and fatigue will lift. I tune into my heart, it expands and is calling me in. There is my answer for this moment.


The Pristine Lens said...

............and for those who seem to 'lie low' for an extended period of time, THAT IS their path for the moment. We must be aware of the part of us that still wants to judge the judging.

Lovely Linda said...

Good point, Christie. Thank you. I have to be aware of that in myself. There are so many thoughts that arise. It does take being present and conscious each moment to have the ability to discern when I am heading down the judging pathway again. I have been amazed at how well worn that path is!
I appreciate your shining a light for me!