Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I AM the lighthouse of love

The birds are singing their delight in this morning of sunshine. I awoke and threw on some clothes quickly to join my friend for her walk up the hill to see the sunrise. My body started out strong, enjoying the climb and morning dew. Before I reached the top, I was out of fuel. Need to carry that packet of almonds and dates with me at all times as well as water. My body is so sensitive these days, too hot, too cold, nausea, fatigue, dizziness...like being pregnant. It makes sense as I am in the process of birthing myself anew as is our mother. I am mirroring her birthing pangs. We are all becoming crystal beings of light. Once I reached the top, I sat and allowed the sun to fill me up with fuel for the return trip. I drank her in like an elixir.

Yesterday I was visualizing myself as a lens from a lighthouse, refracting light all around. I had passed one that day, displayed on the street of Cambria. Huge and beautiful. Later I read a meditation from Archangel Michael channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley:
In the meditation, the Creator asks you to visualize yourself as a lighthouse, beaming your love out to the world. I LOVE when my thoughts are confirmed so quickly, it is fun! We are all getting the same messages of love, connecting our hearts. The crystalline grid that surrounds the earth is the planetary Internet and it carries information quickly to and fro. A friend posted a utube video of a virtual choir that was such a wonderful example of how interconnected we all are. It gave me chills as it is an example of how the new earth operates.
I do love facebook for all the beautiful songs, messages and thoughts that others share. It is a morning smorgasbord of delight.

I experienced so much shifting yesterday. I kept feeling that I was falling between worlds and would feel a jolt as my body reoriented itself. The ground felt fluid, I felt fluid. I wrote to thank Carolyn for her meditation and she told me to see how much further I could expand my light, so that is what I was practicing. Sending my heart light out far and wide. It took me into an altered reality. I am also beginning to embrace my own worthiness more and her meditation truly spoke to my core, knowing that I am on point, being who I came here to be. The anxious mind seems to have settled and there is a deep peace permeating my heart. Today I am ok with the uncertainty of the future, ok with not knowing what tomorrow will bring. I am breathing deep and relaxing into the flow. I saw a vision of myself in the desert with the spring flowers and it is calling me for some deep connection time. I have not been a desert woman, love the water so. But I am feeling the expansiveness that the desert is ready to gift me. I am open to receive.

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