Monday, May 23, 2011

Moving Through the Gateway to More of Myself

It is an interesting thing in these times how we will be called to an event only to discover that the important nugget or aha for us, had little to do with the original idea of why we were there. I found this to be the case during my recent time in Virginia. The workshop was wonderful and I was so happy to remember the ways of working with the elements and the land. I felt expanded and renewed. Yet, that was not the reason that I came.

At one point during a break, I had to go and stand by myself under the trees. I was overcome with tears and emotion. Those of you who know me, know this to be a frequent experience for me. I am moved to tears so often these days as the beauty will hit me in such deep waves. I could feel that I was being asked to do something, I knew not what. But I could feel it coming and I did not feel big enough for it. I knew that I was being asked to hold more of myself, more of the light. I finally lay on the ground and prayed for assistance from my mother Earth and my angels and guides and my Mother/Father God. I surrendered my will and asked to be enough to carry out the task with grace. I called out to my special friends: Shiprock, the rock formation at the 4 Corners area of the USA that offered me its strength and balance last summer and a redwood tree that witnessed a commitment ceremony deep in its huge hollow trunk that I have reframed as a commitment to my highest self rather than to another. I spoke with my dear friend who had journeyed with me and she said, "Drop the container." Oh, it was that simple. I was trying to expand this vessel and found it too small. I could not breathe myself big enough though I was trying! As soon as I heard her words, I was out of my body and expanding across the galaxies. OH! Yes, this is the way of it. Drop the vessel, drop the limitations, the old way of being. We are huge beings of light walking around in these small bodies. We can return at any moment to our true origins by intending it so. I saw that I was a star and could look down upon my world here with such tenderness for all of us. I could see our beauty shining so brightly. We look to the heavens and marvel at the luminosity of the stars. We are looking at ourselves! We are seeing our own beauty.

Late that night after folks had left, there remained the hosts, my friend and I. We were fortunate to be staying at their house for the weekend. The hosts stated that something needed to take place. Ah, this is why I was here and I knew that I was to be given the next step on my journey. A candle was lit, we sat on our cushions with our knees touching as we formed a circle with our four bodies. We all followed our breath into that space of connection to Source. We stepped back and allowed Spirit to come through as She/He wished. It was beautiful how quickly and completely, resonance was established. In an instant, the vibration found harmony and every cell in my being knew it. Channelings and visions came through and we were gifted with more knowing of who we were. It is hard to remember all that happened as there were so many layers. Our hosts are married and we saw how they married people to themselves in deeper ways in the work that they do. My friend and I were married on a level that was new. We are both female but in the new, we are not limited by gender or sexual persuasion. We are in oneness with one another in such deep ways, it is as if you are in love with everyone as yourself. You see everyone in you and yourself in everyone. You know that there is no division. It is difficult to put into our words but I gained an understanding of the unity consciousness that we are moving into. There is such a sense of fullness, completeness. There is no need for anything outside of yourself. All is wonderful and to be enjoyed and appreciated but there is no need or yearning for someone or thing to add unto. I felt the river of God's love pour through me and flow out in an endless stream. I am so filled in every minute and my greatest joy is to flow it out to all in my world. We are givers, it is our nature. There is nothing nor no one to hold onto. All flows and is given and received. A beautiful dance. I saw a beautiful chalice filled with an elixir of love that was created from all four of our essences. We all could drink from it. We all added to it and partook of it. We are co-creators with the Divine. We come into harmony and resonance with one another, allow the Divine to enter in and creation takes place.

I was told of this next step, how I am a connector, bringing together hearts of light and showing them the ways of honoring the earth and one another in this dance of life. Indonesia, Bali was mentioned as a place where I would "work". I know how to connect folks to one another and their starry origins. It is time to create as I had been feeling so strongly of late. It is time for the new communities of light to be birthed. I felt an acceptance of my task and a knowing that I am ready for it. I was gifted with these others to support me on my journey as well as a wonderful cloak from the Creator. I sobbed at the signs of love from the Creator and laughed at some of what I was shown of myself and this task. We were all given pieces of what is next and how to more fully step into our roles.

The amazing thing for me is how natural it all felt. I am grateful to my ego for so graciously expanding into and merging with my higher self. Truly, the more of ourselves that we have access to, the less we vibrate in the realms of ego that wants to be seen and known. There is only this desire to give the love that so freely flows through us. To co-create with the Creator.
The peace of this is hard to describe but it is such a deep sigh. Yes, that is what it is. A sigh of homecoming at last. Yes, I will continue to evolve and grow as all life does, on and on. But there is this sense of having crossed some threshold, moved through a gateway into a new realm of light. This New Earth where the vibration supports you so, where the breathing is deep and the air so clear. There is no more lifting the darkness through my efforting. There is being the love that I am and shining it out into the world. There is a part of me that is amazed that this is taking place yet the rest of me simply knows I Am that I Am. And I AM Peace. I Am love. It is the most natural thing in the world.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Every cell in me is smiling like the Buddha. So...I am here. Yes. Now I can truly begin in a new way as so much more of me has joined together in harmony. I am in the oneness and know that there is no going back. Hence the smile in my cells :)

That does not mean that I now know what I will be doing when I return to California and my car in a few days time. But it does mean that I know that the next steps will be shown. I can see an outline of this new landscape and am so ready to paint it in with beautiful colors. Oh, what a world we are creating!


Mark Torgeson said...

I'm very happy with your transformation to flower, yet will ever treasure the image of baby girl in the cradle, endlessly rocking...

Mark Torgeson said...

I'm very happy with your transformation to flower, yet will ever treasure the image of baby girl in the cradle, endlessly rocking...

Lovely Linda said...

ahhhh , I love you Papa!!! You have made my day! Now that image is tucked in my heart to pull out whenever I am in need of comfort! You are the best Papa!