The festival lasted a week which seemed way too long and a blink of an eye at the same time. It was an experience in the new energy as the schedule changed daily as the energies shifted. I loved watching the flow of it. It angered some as they wanted things to go as planned. I spoke with a couple of women who were upset that the schedule had changed and a speaker they desired to see was no longer presenting. I suggested that perhaps the new speaker was the one that they really needed to hear after all. They weren't buying it. It was an experience of allowing and letting go. Trusting that you were in the right place at the right time. There were supposed to be thousands and there were maybe 300 folks. As we arrived and could find no sign of the event, we did begin to wonder what we were doing there. All expectations were tested. A workshop may have only a handful of folks yet it was an opportunity to co-create on a more personal level. At times, being in the mountains was more important than another session. I had been looking forward to the Saturday night dance as I love to dance. But when the time came, my dancing self was not feeling it and instead I went back to the house we were staying at and made a fire. I spent the evening gazing at it and feeling the peace of the mountains around me. My higher self wanted to end the festival on a quiet, inward note and I honored her desires. I will have opportunities to dance again.
Each day was so full, it felt like a month had passed. My son went through a huge transformation and found the male mentor that I had felt was an important reason for his trip.
I discovered that I am a mountain woman. I love them! To see those white capped peaks each day fed something deep in my soul. It has been a time of integration since we returned. Neither my son nor I have a place to return to...he had given up his apartment and job a few weeks before we left and I was returning to my car parked at my friend's place. We are so fortunate in friends caring for us as we rest.
We are both feeling a desire to be at Mount Shasta for the summer. Shasta is a mountain that sends out a deep call that is difficult to resist. Housing options have not appeared easily as yet though today an option presented itself. I believe in ease and grace and look for a path that opens before me. So, if the mountain wants us there, something will open. For now we have a campsite to begin. We took our camping gear to Colorado and did not camp at all! It all worked out as we were processing so much that it was nice to have the comfort and ease of a bedside lamp, wireless connection and a kitchen. Now I am ready to camp, need the connection to the earth.
It is new to have someone sharing my journey. Life is sweeter in the sharing and to be with my son has been a great pleasure. He was one of the only young adults there, most folks were middle aged like me. He said that he had never experienced so much unconditional love as folks shined their love on him. It was a love fest. That experience of unconditional love allowed an opening to his own heart and higher self. I wish that everyone could be bathed in that love for a week! It is time for us all to be the mirrors for one another and shine that radiant light back. We are all suns, all beautiful lights walking this earth. We are all one and the beauty is so immense. Let's gift each other with this knowing, that we are God's beautiful creations, here to shine our light and help one another remember that light.
Linda: Loving the entire vibe of this post. The apparent bohemian Spirit which is so much in the face of all that I speak with who are of the spiritual acceleration warriorship that started decades ago and which merged into playtime in a flexible and fluid universe recently. I honor your journey and your expression. Thank you so much! Neva
Neva! thank you :) I love the way you put that, moving from the warriorship into playtime! It definitely feels like that. We are done with all the heavy lifting, moving into our hearts and being a warrior of the heart is a piece of cake! so much love to you
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