That time is now over, as in honoring myself, I can choose to reside in energies that support and nourish me. I can be with folks who love me and see me for who I am. I am enjoying being recognized for my part in this grand scheme of things. A friend who is graciously hosting me at present said that I should not leave as "the neighborhood needs a resident mystic." I loved that! After a lifetime of not fitting in, I have a place. People have come up to me and thanked me for my earth work. Today someone posted on facebook a thank you for some earth grid work that I am not conscious of on this level. Yet when I read the description, which she suggested I sit with and feel, I began to cry as I could feel it in my body that indeed, I had been doing that very work she described. It was humbling and reminded me of how deep is my love for our Mother Earth and all who reside on her.
I am ready to move and live completely in the new energies. Mount Shasta seems to hold this for me as the next step. When I listen to lovely music or go into my dreamy space, I often have visions of my community. I love to see who has shown up and what everyone is up to. I was delighted to see that a couple of folks who have turned from my love in anger, were happily greeting me with such love as I saw myself returning from a trip out to other such communities. (Yes, they will be everywhere!) We were so glad of one another and they knew the truth of my heart and of our love. My heart simply soared at this! I thought of our Mother/Father God and how they must feel when we acknowledge and turn to their love once again. Bliss!
So, I step out of the world in one sense and into the new more fully. I can feel more of my soul family beginning to gather as we chose to live in these new open hearted energies. It is time to gather and be a lighthouse that beams out to the world. The time of holding our candle aloft alone is over. We will gather and lift our flames high, generating much more light as a collective. It is time to bring in the magic and try on our new skills. As a vision keeper; I need nature, a field of resonance with those around me and stillness. I am grateful for Mount Shasta's call and grateful for the answering echo in my heart that carries me there.
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