had been streaming in pretty heavily for the past couple of days for me. A need for long naps and sleep ins. Quiet, interior time. I found myself not wanting to drive or go out into the world much. Today dawned with a softness, blue sky and sun. I awoke from a dream where I made the discovery that my kids and I would love one another's chosen partners. I was laughing in my dream as my son was saying, " If they are the right one, we will all love them." I agreed and knew that it would because each partner would know, love and honor themselves. We will all be whole. What a lovely thought to begin my day!
My friend and I had planned on going up in the mountains for a hike, a couple hour drive away. We connected and both had the same realization that today was not a day to go far. It was a day to stay quiet and close to home. I love when the universe lines up with my feelings! Instead, we went for a walk in the local nature center, taking her crystal bowls and our ceremony things. We went to the American River, scooped some water into the bowls and
began to play them. We set our intention for the water to be
crystalline and purified and tossed it back to the river to travel its swift current out into the waters of the earth. As we were playing the bowls, a whole gaggle (don't you love that word?) of geese came swimming along. They walked out onto the shore and clustered all around us. They seemed to enjoy the sound of the bowls as much as we did.I had written out my intentions for this new moon and second half of this year. I burned the paper and we offered tobacco and cornmeal to the earth and the waters. Every time I do ceremony with my friend, I see us in our priestess robes conducting
Here is my offering topped with one of the geese's feathers.
As we made our way out of the park, we met a woman volunteer, tending the gardens around the nature center building. We stopped and chatted and my friend played her bowl for her. The woman was enchanted and felt that she had been touched by magic. We did also.
The whole day felt magical and soft. I could feel the energies of love permeating the air. I saw a friend for a brief but delightful conversation and hug, joined an hour meditation for the earth in which we connected on the grid with thousands of others, ate a yummy tuna salad that my friend received the idea of during our meditation, (very practical info can come during meditations!) grocery shopped and planned a brunch with a friend, had a delightful conversation with my daughter with news of a new job, saw a hummingbird sitting on her tiny tea cup of a nest, saw young hawks in their nest, found some beautiful black and white feathers from a woodpecker that seems to have become the dinner that mama hawk was carrying to her young, baked chocolate chip cookies and shared a dinner of chard and beets with friends. I feel so blessed!
I believe that love is in the air and it feels grand. People's hearts are being softened by the love that our Creator, our Galactic brothers and sisters, the ascended masters, the angels and our sun are beaming our way. How privileged we are to witness this transformation.
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