Monday, November 14, 2011

11-14-11 and Feeling the Love

I love the pink clouds at night that remind me of liquid lovelight. That was my major experience of 11-11-11. I merged with my higher self and was flooded with liquid pink lovelight. I saw it pouring out of my fingers, streaming to my brothers and sisters and out of my toes, streaming to my mother. Beautiful! It felt wonderful flowing through my veins and informing all of my cells: wake up! The lovelight is here! Soft like the colors of this photo I took, a little out of focus but I like it like that. A soft world without harsh edges. It is the way I see the world, through a slightly out of focus lens. When we pull back to a more bird's eye view of any situation and allow our hearts to soften, we can see the truth more clearly. The truth is that we are all made to love. Our hearts are made to giv
e love on a regular basis just as they are made to pump blood. It is its essential nature. Hearts are made to be open to give and receive love, that is what keeps them healthy. Heart health is more about the feelings that we express and receive than it is about the food we eat. Science is beginning to confirm this as it is understood that everything is energy. Our vibration determines our health. Self love is the single most important component of health. If we flood our body with love each day, caress our cells and organs with lovelight, they will all respond in a loving manner. If we store our stuck emotions in our organs and cells, dis-ease happens. A friend who has been journeying with her cancer expressed how the disease invaded all the parts of her body that she had not inhabited. That she was learning to inhabit all of her and love her body and her being.

It feels to me that the energies of 11-11-11 were about opening more room in the heart, lightening the load. Allowing the softening to take place, seeing life with that out of focus lens where the essence of a thing is what shines through. You can hear the angry words on the surface but by squinting your eyes and stepping back, you can see the heart that is full of fear. The little child who has lost his/her way and wants a helping hand back to the light of truth. The truth that they are lovable, that they are a child of the divine and love is their very nature, that they deserve love. As we know this, the world becomes a softer, more love filled place. This photo of one of the Tibetan deities with its fierce scowl is a great reminder for me that something can look scary on the surface but be filled with love within. (including ourselves when we find ourselves expressing anger or other scary emotions)

Yes, there was part of me ready to step into miracles. That did not happen yet the opening of hearts is a miracle. I know that the new age has begun as I feel Gaia's joy coming up through my feet. I believe that my desires are being made manifest and it is my job to line up with them vibrationally. My beloved, my community.....all is there when I have eyes to see. Each day I get closer when I am present to the moments, appreciating and enjoying what each has to offer. It is always the small things that bring the joy. Eating oatmeal in the morning with my son across the table, the yellow tulips that bring the sun into the kitchen, the sound of the bell that I ring each time I pass it on my way into the living room, my new purple hat that I bought yesterday as I walked and shopped with two dear friends. Now each time I put it on, I am with them once again and feeling the laughter and joy. Life is to be savored. While the outside world has yet to reflect the new energies, our inside world does. It is an internal experience and when enough of us vibrate that internal peace and love, the universe must respond to match it.

Hold on to the lovelight.....let it flow through irrespective of what the external world is showing you. It is our job to turn it all back to the reality of love that it is. We are masters at is time to remember how! I love you.

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