The first pic is a view overlooking the city from a new park I found on an early morning, walk/jog through the mist with my son. Lovely! Recovered from last night's cloudburst, literally a five minute deep sobbing session after seeing a pic posted by a friend on fb of my old love and his new girlfriend. This on the heels of a strange email from my former husband after months of no contact. The sobs came from the grief that neither is a friend, they would not go for the friendship and peace that I desired. And boy did I try over and over again. That has been a BIG lesson to me in this life, I cannot create peace with someone, only with myself. Neither took the high road in the end, could not face that and so to face me means to face themselves, therefore, no contact with me. Sigh.....heartache. All perfectly orchestrated to come into my awareness at this time to be felt and released. Nothing random about any of it. Now I can say, thank you universe! I am preparing an empty room in myself where I know that I am worthy of love (wonderful gift from these two men, showing me where I did not love myself) and that I am love. I am so ready for the new. And let it be magical, please!
was in the old mode of mom planning dinner... not being in the mo-ment but speaking out loud all that needed to be done in a manner
that felt stressful to him. He was right yet I did not receive it graciously as I felt he was being pedantic and that alright already, I got it,
back off. Too many words. Oh, yes, such childish feelings. Left the
room and gave into the cloudburst of sobbing. Victim consciousness descended who did the grocery shopping, who baked all day yester- get the picture....old,old feelings. Ok, try again. Watched the boys tying up the turkey and
placing it in the oven in a new way, breast down (all the juice ends up in the breast meat this way). We did not have a roaster pan with a rack (all the things left behind with the house and marriage) so we
laid it directly on the rack with the disposable roaster pan underneath to catch the drips. It actually worked well. Time to relax, turkey in the oven, vegies prepped. We sat companionably in the living room, me with a book and the boys watching a game on their computer. Peace. Took a lovely nap as the
smell of turkey roasting seemed to have a soporific effect. Awoke refreshed and ready to finish up the
meal prep. My younger son started making the stuffing, I wanted my older son to do it as it was his
stated contribution so called out to the back garden for him to come in. Younger son says that I should not be pushing at his you see the cycle? Me trying to protect younger from doing too
much, younger trying to protect older from my controlling ways, older following his own rhythm whichfelt like a cop out to me. Yikes, what a stew! Cloudburst again....descent into victim consciousness.
Time for me to go, do not want to be living here any longer...blahblahblah. Dry my tears and forgive
myself and each other. We are quick to do that and acknowledge our piece in the mix.
The dinner was a success, only one guest so quiet and lovely. Laughter, joy and grace descended.
So as I sit here with the candles and the vibrant orange-gold tulips, eating delicious pie and drinking
tea, enjoying the laughter of these beautiful young men, I feel the blessing of this Thanksgiving. We all
stated that we were thankful for ALL of it, the
all of it. We are creating a new way of being
together that drops old roles (yes, I had thought I
had finished this but it seems not) and sees us
relating as the mysterious, wonderful, amazing
masters that we are. We have experienced many moments in unity consciousness as well as mo-
ments of unconsciousness. We embrace them all
as part of ourselves. The flashing billboard in myhead says, "Let go, let go, let go." It truly is the
time to let go of all that no longer serves so that
what does serve, has room to enter in. I am amazed at how old these patterns had been years since we interacted in this way. So strange how they can come back yet this is the final releasing of so much. Bring in the light, I am making room. Blessings and peace to all of you on this holy day of gratitude. Not the day I expected but the day that fit me perfectly.
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