Can you see the freighters way out there beyond the city? Mount Diablo rising past the waters, school children's excited voices echoing up the hill. A beautiful hawk flew overhead as my son and I made our way back home. He flashed his underbelly for me to see his colorings as he floated so lazily on the currents, circling over me. Sighting a hawk has always felt like a gift to me. I love them so. Ha.....this just led me to read about hawks as a power animal or totem. I knew them to be messengers and connectors to inner wisdom. But I clicked on a description of a hawk medicine person and it so fit me! I am a vision keeper and it went on to describe some of the challenges that I have faced from others:Hawk medicine people like many who carry strong predator totems may be shunned by others who sense and fear their inner power. Others may sense that this is a person who can see straight through them and as many folks think in terms of judging things as being good or bad, they are afraid that the Hawk person will see who they "really" are and so they strike first in an attempt to keep the Hawk person at bay. This resonated with me. It was illuminating to read more of the article: Many of the messages Hawk may bring are about freeing yourself of thoughts and beliefs that are limiting your ability to soar above your life and gain a greater perspective....Hawks need to stay focused on Spirit as the true messenger and that they are the Hollow Bones for the energy to flow through.
So I gained a new perspective as I had never thought in terms of carrying an animal's medicine but I am owning that right now! I am a hawk medicine woman! I surely see that image each day as the hollow bones for the Creator to flow through and play upon. Love when we are gifted with this kind of synchronicity!
I read an article today that resonated also for this eclipse cycle we are in. Brenda Hoffman does a great job of illuminating how you are not what is expected of you.....not by your family, your friends, your boss. She encourages us to return to our toddler days of truly expressing ourselves. The time of duty is fast passing. Being a duty girl, myself, I know how ingrained this can be. Holidays bring up so much of this in the family circle: doing what is expected rather than what fills you with joy. I believe that more folks are opting out of these limiting patterns this Christmas than ever before. With the Occupy Wallstreet movements, people are rethinking being pawns for the corporations with mindless spending in the name of love. I am hearing from friends who are opting out of the traditional family time that has become a duty and not a joy. We are called to honor ourselves by being with those who uplift us and allow us to be who we are at present rather than holding a mold from times past that we are meant to fill. Break the mold, step away from toxic relationships and empty spending and create what brings you joy. I have no idea what my Christmas celebrations will be but I know that the music, the candlelight, good food and companions of the heart top my list. I do not know how that will come together as my companions are scattered far about but even if I am on my own, I know that I can find it in my heart with no props at all.