Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dancing in the JOY

I woke up this morning feeling some sense of unease. I spoke to my son about it and he said he knew that feeling. He went on to say how he would find himself trying to figure it out. We both began to laugh at how silly that was! For that is exactly what my mind had been busily doing! And to what end? It was not clear in my heart so why go digging to discover an unpleasant feeling??? Truly we have been programmed to do some very strange things. Instead the ridiculousness of it brought laughter and smiles and that lead to the joy that is right there, waiting to be felt. 

It was rainy outside so we decided to have a museum day and go see the Pissarro exhibit that is up at the Legion of Honor museum. That thought had us both grinning as we are Pissarro fans. As we drove to the museum, hunger hit so we stopped at a new market to get a quick sandwich to eat on the lovely grounds of the museum. On the drive, we were talking about getting a small Christmas tree for the apartment and wondering where we should look. In the quick manifestation energies that are ramping up on the planet, there was an assortment of two and three foot trees in front of the store for $15! A bargain. So sandwich and tree in hand, off we went to the museum where this beautiful dancer greeted me. I love her! I want to sculpt her and be her, dancing in my flowing skirts. Beauty!

This plaque was on the grounds and spoke so to my heart with its words. The bottom continues with: in recognition of the continued quest for world peace. We felt so deeply the gifts of heaven and earth as we looked out over the Pacific Ocean and saw the red golden gates of the bridge and the sparkling blue water (yes, the sun came out to shine on our day) and felt the ground solid under our feet. How blessed we are! Here is the konji writing (at least I think it is konji) that was translated. I love the beauty of this writing. 
The exhibit was wonderful. It is so inspiring to be surrounded by beauty. Pissarro was the elder of the impressionist painters in France. He was an anarchist who dreamt of a better world of small sustainable communities  where the work of the hands and the land was honored and respected.  (He and I share a dream!) He married his mother's cook's helper  which was quite a radical step not only due to the difference in class but he also broke through the programming of his religion as she was Catholic and he a Jew. No easy feat in those days! He had eight children with her. He loved his family life and painted them as well as the peasants working the land. He seemed to have been a man who walked his talk, living according to his principles of equality for all. Not the easiest of paths yet he walked it truly. He was my inspiration for the day! 

Here is one of the views from the hilltop where the Legion of Honor sits. Glorious. The feelings of magic and joy seem to be welling up in me more each day. There is this excitement, a Christmas Eve kind of feeling that bubbles up in me. The days are getting merrier and bright! I had spent a day north of the city looking for a house to rent. Nothing felt right but my son and I took a new road and stopped at Point Reyes and loved the feeling of the small town. We drove back on the winding highway 1 and soaked up the beauty of the landscape. So we did not find a place to move, yet we did find the feeling that we want. Appreciating and acknowledging that is what will bring our perfect place to us. 

I feel overcome with the sense of the Spirit of Christmas being here for everyone. I had read these lovely channeled words from Jesus this morning and felt the truth of them this year. My Christ Self is awakening in my heart and it feels mighty fine! 

Oakbridge University - Jeshua Online
Message of the Day

Beloved one, you are approaching the holy days that you have set in order to remember not the birth of one Yeshua, but truly the birth of the Christ. You do this annually so that you have opportunity that one of these years perhaps you will remember that it is your own birth as the Christ child that you are celebrating; that one of these times you are coming to the place where you are awakening to your own divinity, awakening to your own Christ Self, awakening to the power of that divine holy Self.

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Billy Jamez Martin said...

I really enjoy your blog. Such light and delight!!! Thank you for sharing your moments.

Lovely Linda said...

And I really enjoy you! I love how we are finding and connecting to our soul family! Such delight. So glad to have found you!