Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pluto Pushing Through to End 2011 with a Sigh of Satisfaction

The countdown begins. Only a few days remaining of 2011 and while knowing that calendars and time are an illusion, I am not stopped from feeling an ending and completion. Tomorrow Pluto, the planet of transformation conjuncts with the Sun, our core identity. I have felt this energy coming in yesterday and it is working its magic on me. Here is an excerpt from Kelly M Beard ~ Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2011 Kelly M Beard All Rights Reserved

Pluto brings aspects of our Selves which have been buried, neglected, or ignored lately (or for some of us, for a very long time) to the surface and shines a bright light on them. Whew, that can’t be easy. At this time, you have to KNOW, not just believe, but KNOW WHO YOU ARE ... because everything you “thought” you knew about these deeper places within -is in question.

Remember, breakdowns always precede breakthroughs!! And this time is for real - half way won’t cut it and the Universe will do EVERYTHING to prevent you from half-steppin’ in any way, shape or form. You must REPAIR or RELEASE and move on.

I am seeing this happening within and around me. I am feeling that Knowingness emerge more clearly of who I am. I am ready to step into the expansion of me with the support of the new energies. Releasing the smallness of me and knowing that it is time to step out into the world in a much bigger way. I see loved ones sensing the expansion and pulling back into places of comfort. I see the discomfort that this brings as the soul yearns to move. I am reminded to be the compassionate observer and to honor the holiness of each one's choice.

I have been stationary for the past two months, sharing my son's apartment after my daughter moved out. I have had the pleasure of a dresser (my craving after living out of my trunk for so long) and a space to be and create in. Now, we are packing up and releasing stuff once again. My son is looking to live in a new part of the city in a new mix and I am being called to flow once again and head to Kauai for a time in January. I bought a return ticket to this city but have no place to land, no plans ahead. I am assured by Spirit that is intentional as I am to be fluid once more. As a reminder, a friend from Hawaii called and expressed how fortunate I was to be free by having no home base. She pointed out that her house is an anchor as well as a hearth. It keeps her tethered to place. Thank you for that perspective! It is all about how we look at things, isn't it? I know so many who are tied to a spot as their houses are worth less than the amount that they still owe the bank. Yes, I am glad to be free to move about as my higher self dictates.

The releasing of stuff is once again going deep into that survival instinct......will I have a home? Will I be ok? Will I have enough? Will I have to gather all this stuff once again? It has felt uncomfortable to feel all of this and allow it to move through. To center myself and breathe deeply into the truth of my security.......deep in my heart where I connect to the Creator.

The move has been perfectly orchestrated at this time of Pluto, for my growth. I am so grateful for the ways that I am supported. The abundance that is still there (thank you to me and spirit for setting it up!), the friends who support me by offering a room and encouragement, the folks who reflect to me who I am, helping me to see myself more clearly, the ascended masters and archangels who guide and protect me, the earth who fills me with love as well as my Mother/Father God who rains down that liquid lovelight that I am so very fond of! How blessed I am.

Once again I am sitting here with our tiny Christmas tree. My son is off for a few days of celebrations and gatherings with friends and I am alone. This is exactly what my soul craves, a quiet passage into 2012. I feel more love and joy for and from this little tree than from any tree I have ever had. It seems the energies of this Christmas season are allowing us to feel so much more peace and joy than ever before. I love humanity and want to be teaching again. I am ready to teach of the spirit, an insight that came to me more than 20 years ago when I was immersed in teaching my little ones. I knew that I had come to teach of spirit and I would be called when the time was right. I feel that the time is at hand so I am savoring these quiet days. I feel the energy of 2012 and it is quick and intense and filled with joy and expansion. It is filled with more of me! A deep sigh as I allow myself to gently take leave of this year that has seen me integrate so much and fall so deeply in love with myself. What a gift 2011 has been!

The photo is of a tiny ceramic tile that I made that somehow represents home to me. I gifted it to a friend in one of my letting go of possessions episodes and so saw it this past autumn when I visited her home. It is my dream scape in some way as just beyond that hill, lies my Shangri-la. That is where I am headed!

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