Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 1:01:11

Here we are! We have walked through the portal and find ourselves in a very new landscape. The energy is quicker, lighter, freer. We have stepped into the space of creating our dreams. Sounds like heaven, doesn't it? Yet there is the responsibility of being very clear as to what those dreams are.
What is it that you truly want? What is the desire that is so close to your heart, that speaking it aloud, brings tears.
My desire is to be in divine union with my beloved. To be a co-creator with another and to invite God into the mix to create with us as our gift of service to the world. The couple in divine union, who are consciously expressing that love and amplifying one another's light, are offering a huge gift to the world. As they become the vessel through which the Divine can flow through, the vibration of Mother Gaia is lifted as the couple anchor in that energy of love. I know that this is the next step for me as I have been given a vision of all these beautiful pillars of light around the planet. More and more couples are being called to co-create these divine unions to accelerate the light on the planet.
I did meet my twin, I did become a pillar of love with him and we anchored in the energy of the divine masculine and the divine feminine for the 10-10-10 portal. It was beautiful. The very next day, all the shadow aspects arose and my beloved retreated into his path of suffering and rejected the love.
He has been in his cave ever since, with no communication.
I have had to look at myself and see where I was still not believing that I am worthy of love. I am grateful for this gift from him. I also uncovered this need to control the relationship, needing my own sovereign space, not wanting to be enmeshed. We both have such a strong need for freedom that we trigger one another. I am watching these aspects come up in me as I look back to observe myself while I was with him.
So, now I know that I want to be in divine union, funnily, my personality self is not that interested in it but my soul knows that it is the next step.
I have released attachment to whether it is the man I was with or not.
I have erased the face from the energy and now invite the energy of my beloved to come to me.
I have had some very powerful lovemaking experiences with this energy. Yes. Truly you can make love with the essence of someone else. No touching, simply feelings moving through so amazingly. I have invited him in to sleep with me, cuddle me. We are in communion and I feel him around me. I believe that this means that the relationship is close. I have let go of my mind that questions it all.
Such as: How can it be someone other than the one you were with?
How could you have such intense feelings for someone and it not work out?
How could he close the door on you?

On and on my mind went trying to figure it all out. I have let go of him and am looking at me. I want to feel love, I want to be in love. So it begins with me.
Today I have felt this love from this other's energy and from my I AM Presence.
That is more than enough. I can let go of the story (I love the story!!!) and be with the moment.

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