There are so many false pardigms that we have lived under for so long. We are beginning to awaken from the matrix that has enslaved us and to move into the light of freedom.
Can you feel the power of the sisterhood? We are the creators. We carry the wombs that birth new creation on this earth. There has been a systematic attempt to pull us apart so that we would not be in our power. We have moved from the ways of old where women gathered at the well. The well is a metaphor for us as our spiritual center and source of replenishment.
The well was our nourishment as we supported one another and raised our children. Think how the nuclear family has pulled us into isolation, each of us alone in the raising of our children, focused on the man as the hub of the family. The media fed us the lie that we are a jealous, catty species, out to steal one another's men. We were taught to hold tightly to our little family and not get too close to other women, after all, that friend may end up stealing your man! Our men felt threatened when we spent time with our girlfriends. Were we talking about them? Were we forgetting them or perhaps realizing that we need not be so dependent upon them?
Women together are a force to be reckoned with! I recall being on a college tour with my son and one of his friends. We drove into a town where there was a breast cancer walk underway. As we navigated around and through the thousands of women walking, my son looked at me and said, " Wow. Women are so powerful together. It feels almost scary to be amongst them."
He was right! We are powerful together. We need to reclaim our sisterhood. Our children need to be raised with the gift of community as they then benefit from a happier and more balanced mother and are able to receive the gifts from all the other women. We have so much to share!
Our men have also lost out under this nuclear family arrangement. They have little outlet for authentic communication with other men. It has been relegated to watching sporting events together and trips to strip clubs. Mostly lower vibrational activities that do not bring in any of the sacredness of life. They are disconnected from their power.
We have been duped. The nuclear family was an economic arrangement to lock us into a cycle of working and buying to feed the controlling elite. It has not served us as individuals or as a society. We are all longing for the sacred in our lives. We are longing for connection and community. We are longing to strengthen our connection to our Mother Earth.
We women can show the way home. We are the wayshowers, we are the ones to reclaim our connections to one another, to our children and our men.
We know the holiness of our wombs, we have carried the child in our wombs and in our hearts. Let us reach out to one another, embrace our power in the fullness of the Creator's love and birth this New Earth. Our time is now.
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