Monday, January 17, 2011

White Eagle and healing of the land

Yesterday, I experienced a remarkable event. I was with three friends and we were doing some work with crystal bowls. There were three women and one man who is an Apache Indian.
One of the women told me her dream of the night before about a white eagle. I had been talking about a friend of mine, Chief Golden Light Eagle which she took as a sign that she was to share her dream with me.
In her dream, she saw a white eagle fall from the sky. It was injured and she moved towards it. Someone came and shot it to "put it out of its misery". My friend was upset and went to find a vet who could help the eagle. She did find a vet and with the help of her daughter, he was able to remove two bullets from the eagle. The vet came towards her holding the eagle in his hands and she had a feeling of lightness, that the eagle would be well.
This dream held a great meaning for her personally.

We formed the four directions as we sat and one of the women played the crystal bowls. As she played the grandmother bowl, I began to cry. My tears ran down my cheeks and turned into a torrent as I began to sob. My friend who had had the dream said that she wanted to come to me to comfort me but was limited by her wheelchair. At that point she sent the eagle that had been flying around her to me to "lift me up".
I began to channel the eagle's words. I saw the tribal lands of Turtle Island (North America) with black smoke rising from them. I saw threads connecting all the lands across our continent. The land was releasing clouds of swirling smoke like energy. The eagle told me that this was the pain and oppression that the Native Americans had endured. It had been held deep in the land and now it was time to release it. Mother Earth is ascending and the land must be cleansed.
I felt the cords of oppression around my neck and stated that it was time for them to be removed from all the Native Americans. My friends used their hands to pull the cords off of me. The pain moving through my body was felt on every level though the words came: "The burden is light". I knew that it was moving through me to be transmuted and though I was feeling it, it was not heavy as I was the observer as well as the vessel through which it moved. I did not see images of suffering and death yet felt its energy. It was black swirling energy lifting into the air. The eagle was spiraling upward and taking the energy up to the light.
I connected to Chief Golden Light Eagle in South Dakota which is the only tribal land that I have spent time on. I saw the elders of the tribes looking skyward. They saw what was happening and added their energy to help release the clouds of pain and oppression. The eagle said that the land must be lightened so that hope and joy can be restored once again. He/She called in the violet flame to transmute the energies.
I then saw rivers of diamond light flooding through, washing the land clean. Oh, the joy of that vision! I begin to laugh with delight at all the sparkles and radiance.
I wanted to chant and sing a Native American song to seal the energies of what had taken place. I called on Chief Golden Light Eagle to sing with me as I toned my notes of joy and thanksgiving.

It is time. Our Native American tribes have knowledge to lead the way home to our Mother. They can help us remember how to honor her and connect to her heart.
I am not Native American but rather of Irish descent. Yet we are all one. We are the white eagle, we are the Apache, we are the Lakota, we are every tribe, every tree, every animal. We are one with our Mother Earth. This memory is coming back to all of us so that we may all co-create the New Earth and walk into her lands together.

I felt such gratitude for the privilege of being a vessel through which some of the dense energies could be released and transformed. I recall my son telling me that it was not for the Native Americans to walk out of that oppression on their own but rather it was the responsibility of those of us who had not lived under such oppression in this lifetime, to help free them from this weight. His words were true.
My Apache friend, Frank has worked for and with Native American tribes across the country for 40 years, never suspecting that he was a Native American himself. A couple of years ago he met an Apache man with a French surname. It turned out that the man's grandmother and Frank's grandmother were cousins. Frank discovered through Indian census records that his grandfather was Apache but at one point in his life had had to hide his identity in order to survive as Apaches were being killed. During this gruesome period of our country's history, Frank's grandfather had had to declare himself Mexican and lose his heritage. Frank has his grandfather's vest which he wore for much of his journey. He allowed me to place my hands on it and I could feel the weight of what he had endured in his life.
Frank now wears his medicine bag about his neck with his buffalo totem on the front. He has reclaimed his roots. It is a beautiful thing to witness.
We are now at a time of reclaiming our roots as star beings and children of our Mother. Say your prayers for the healing of our Mother's heart. We are moved into a time of magic. We can do and be so much more than we ever imagined. Intent is all. Intend the world that you wish to live in; feel it. breath it, visualize it. It is becoming more real each day.
(I forgot to add that the photo is a picture of Lakota Chief Golden Light Eagle from South Dakota.)


Unknown said...

Linda, thank you for sharing this powerful experience. This is my first visit to your blog! (But not my last!) and I thank you for the courage and commitment of your journey and the opportunity to be expanded by your life. Love to you Sis-Star!

Lovely Linda said...

thank you Meredith! Your words mean so much to me. I have so appreciated following your journey. I love how we can all help one another by amplifying one another's light. Love to you Sis-Star!