My friend. Jeanette is such a person. I think that she could do Stargate readings for others.
One card is your "issue" and you decide this before you begin.
My issue was: How do I move into my power, purpose and joy for 2011?
This card was the star of impulse which is about experiencing. Below this card is a space for Me Now and that card was a picture of fog...diffused, delusions, enveloping. I will tell this story at the end as it is the main picture represented in the center above.
On the left side of the mat you place 3 cards: your old focus and two things that are behind you. My old focus was a tower which was about focusing attention. The two things that were behind me were a star of seeking and a star of hope which had the word trust.
As I put these three images together to create a story you can see it visualized in my drawing of the tower on the left above:
I am traveling up the steps of a tower in my monk's robe. (yes, so many lifetimes as a nun or monk) encountering stars of wisdom along the way. I carry the star of hope in my heart, trusting the journey to lead me home. It is a solitary journey, alone in this castle.
This speaks to the past year and a half of travel, moving onward, not knowing anything but listening for the next step. Trusting that somehow it would all bring me back to myself in a new way. Difficult at times as my old "doer" self questioned the validity of my journey. What good was I doing in the world? How was I serving anyone? Yet, I could only climb the onwards to the next step, seeking, always seeking. Indeed I have found so many of my soul family during this journey for which I am profoundly grateful.
On the right side of the mat is your new focus and two things that are ahead of you. My new focus turned into two cards as they came together when I pulled one. An image of rain and one of a duck. The two cards ahead of me were a block and a wand.
The story that I created is pictured on the right above with the magic wand:
I am excited about finally building a foundation for my new life with my building block. I am thrilled to be wielding my magic wand (my creative gifts) at last! Tears of joy (the rain) wash over me as I am SO happy to be creating. I will be with my beloved (ducks mate for life) in a setting of natural beauty and we will swim along in peace. Also the expression: water off a duck's back will apply to us as we will not let anything ruffle our feathers or disturb our deep sense of peace.
That story says it all! I am ready.
On the bottom of the mat is a space for something that is distracting you as well as something that is helping you. I pulled a pink rose for my distracting and an egg for my helping. Here is the story:
A pink rose is my symbol. It represents love to me in the highest order. It is a symbol of who I see myself as. My love for Joseph has been distracting me from my path. I could not understand his pulling away with my mind. I see that when I open my egg of creativity by engaging my creative self, my love can actually bloom more fully. The rose emerges from the opened egg. I must express myself in order to fully open to the love that I am.
Wow, did that ever knock my socks off! Time to turn the attention away from Joseph and back to myself. Time to use my gifts and let the love flow through them.
Now I was able to discover the meaning of the fog and star. Here is the story that describes the main drawing:
I am someone who has transcended the fog of delusion. I spent time frantically searching for a way out of the darkness using the old tools that I knew. Finally I was forced to surrender, I was too tired to fight anymore. I laid down in the darkness, allowed it to completely envelop me. I watched as my body disappeared and I was consumed by the darkness. I felt no emotion, rather at peace, observing it all. Then a tiny flame began to glow. It grew into a star of blazing light that seemed to implode from inside of the nothingness that was me. I began to sob as I suddenly knew in every cell of my being that the light and the dark are one and the same. They are contained in one another. The fog is the illusion of separateness/ duality. Yet there is only oneness, unity. Life is one. We are all one with our Creator and one another and the earth and all of her kingdoms.
This was like an earthquake through my soul. I truly felt reborn after this experience.
So who is ready for a stargate party??? Let's do it!
Last night I awoke dreaming of stargates. Yeserday I read a book: Eternal Twin Flame Love, The story of ShannaPra. It had a picture of a stargate on the cover with a pathway leading to it. A twin flame couple was walking on the path towards the stargate.
I am ready to walk through the stargate with my beloved.
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