Yesterday was the 1:11:11 portal. I felt that I moved through a gateway, an expansion of myself. It felt like a shiver running through the earth as we entered into a new time.
Lakota Chief Golden Eagle sent out a message yesterday and these lines echoed in my heart:
"The new government of light is sending forth the command to all those that have
been waiting, IT IS NOW TIME TO AWAKE, the awakening of Aquarius..1-11-11 is the beginning of the fall of all false prophets. All false governments will slowly
decline and will no longer be in service unto themselves. Structures that do not serve the
light will implode and the government of Light will slowly emerge when the Fire of Truth
is revealed. This is the cycle that humanity has created for themselves. It is the rhythm
of life."
Being an Aquarian, I have been waiting for my "age" to begin my entire life! So all of this is happening globally. Transparency will be the new way and all that is old must fall away. There is a purging of the denser energies of the earth as she releases all that no longer serves the New Earth.
Personally, it is happening for me as well.
My car departed (stolen it seems) a few days ago. My "Maxie" was not just any car. True she was a bit older, 15 years to be exact. But for the past year and a half, she was my partner in my earth work. In all that time of driving thousands of miles, she never let me down. I slept in her at times when I was too tired from the drive or no camping spot or motel was in sight. She ran beautifully and fully participated in our work as she laid down tracks of rainbow light behind us as we drove. We seeded the New Earth with light and love every mile. I had never been attached to a car before but I saw that inanimate objects do indeed become animate through our attention and love. Maxie was my velveteen rabbit! I had all my camping gear in the trunk as basically I carried all my remaining possessions in her. No insurance coverage as over the years I had opted for less coverage due to her age. That was ok, I know that material things are just that and can be replaced. I am fortunate to have money to replace her.
But it felt interesting on a couple of levels. Like ha, here I just made the decision to move to Bowen Island near Vancouver, Canada and my way of getting there, my car disappears. Such amazing timing. Definitely significant. I am paying attention to the signs around me.
Next, I had last used my camping gear with my beloved Joseph in Maxie. After having found one another six months ago and recognizing ourselves as twin flames, he retreated into his idea of the noble path of pain and suffering alone in his woods.
Releasing this relationship has been an on-going process for me these past two months.
I had bought Maxie while I was still in my marriage. Was there still some of that energy attached to her? Perhaps it is time for all of those connections to be gone for good?
Yes, it seems that it is!
One of the wonderful things about being on a spiritual path, is that you accept everything as it occurs. You trust that there is a higher purpose at work even if you cannot see it nor understand it.
I have an steadfast faith that is like a river of light in me. For all that I have been through, I can always turn to it for refreshment.
I wonder what is being prepared for me? Is there something here in San Francisco for me? I came for a few days of rest after Joseph asked me to leave and have been here for over two months, sleeping on the living room floor of two of my adult children's apartment. It has been a very healing, inward time. Lovely time of connection with my kids that has had us losing our old roles and enjoying one another deeply. I have been very cared for and my guidance kept giving me the message, "You are in a safe place, rest." So here I am.
Grateful and open to the next step!
Such a lovely feeling reading your words. Your energy infuses!
Helllllooooo Dear Heart,
I loved this language of purity and clarity. It was wonderful to catch up with your journey. I am planning to call you today.
Lovingly AliAMa
Oh sweet Maxi!!! I guess you changed her mind and decided to come home? Love your writing and perspective linda! Your life and travels are so intriguing! Please keep writing!!!!
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